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  • Garrotted On Her
  • Myzeray 23
  • Myzeray Noosed In
  • Myzeray Fighting
  • Begging Me Not To
  • Youll Hng Until I
  • Myzeray Cock
  • Myzeray Kneeling
  • Myzeray Black Scarf
  • Myzeray Strngling
  • Noose Ch0ke
  • Myzeray Slave Vs
  • Myzeray Nothing
  • Myzeray Electro
  • Myzeray
  • Nothyng A Day At
  • Lorelai Garrotte
  • Myzeray Throat
  • Nothyng Fun With
  • Myzeray Bednoose
  • Myzeray Fighting Strngled And Defeated
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    Master Fredericks Darker Desires - Myzeray Fighting Strngled And Defeated

    Clip Description

    Myzeray gets set for a str@ngling video, but as we begin, I give it an interesting twist. I tell her, "fight back." it takes her a few seconds to get it, but when she does, game on! The action picks up as she fights for air, fights to get free of the scarf around her throat, and fights to get away from me. Finally she succumbs to the ligature around her throat and sags to her knees. I handcuff her to show her she has been defeated in this fight. I zoom in on her neck so you get a nice view of her lovely marks at the end.

    i'm sure you'll find this video as intense to watch as we did to film!

    Clip Duration:      8 minutes
    Format Size
    wmv92.66 MB

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    Master Fredericks Darker Desires - Myzeray Fighting Strngled And Defeated

    Master Fredericks Darker Desires - Myzeray Fighting Strngled And Defeated

    Master Fredericks Darker Desires - Myzeray Fighting Strngled And Defeated

    Master Fredericks Darker Desires - Myzeray Fighting Strngled And Defeated

    Master Fredericks Darker Desires - Myzeray Fighting Strngled And Defeated

    Master Fredericks Darker Desires - Myzeray Fighting Strngled And Defeated
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this is lorelai's first new hardcore ********** video in five years... I'm sure you'll agree it was worth the wait.

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this clip is 23 minutes, 20 seconds long and includes repeated h@nging and some hardcore sex.

now also available in mp4 format for your iphone!

    Myzeray  Noosed In The Door Strngled and Fucked On The Floor - Myzeray ups the ante in this one. I make her stand on her tiptoes on a phonebook, and loop a leather leash around her neck and lodge it over the top of the bedroom door. I finger her wet pussy for a few and take the phonebook out from under her. The leash gets tight, cutting off her air and she panics. I keep her there until she is almost totally gone bofore releasing her. This is the closest she has ever come to leaving the ground. It doesn't stop there. She gets cockchoked, and then garrotted into total unconsciousness. She literally goes out like a light. She comes to as I eat her pussy, then fuck her while ch0king her out once more. This video finishes off with me looping the leash around her neck again and pulling up as she kneels.

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she sucks his cock and gets fucked doggystyle with a nice head-on view. It finishes as he wipes his cum all over her face.

watch for a darker desires first: the second time nothyng is noosed, she convulses on blackout and both feet leave the ground! Full suspension in the noose, held up only by her throat!

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available in .Wmv and .Mp4 for your iphone.

    Garrotted On Her Knees - Myzeray is bound in a kneeling position and f0rced to suck my cock to the point of ch0king on it... And gets put into a garrotte. Watch her face go purple, her body spasm, and her eyes begin to roll as I turn the stick, tourniquetting her neck tighter and tighter.

    Myzeray Nothing But Neck 1 - Those of you who are fans of myzeray  (and don't want to watch the whole scene to get to the Brea+hplay) will love this clip! I mean, who wouldn't want to watch her neck stretch as she's hauled nearly off the ground, as her face turns red, then purple, nearly blue? Who wouldn't love watching her struggle for air as I noose her? And who doesn't like watching her fade away as I wrap my hand around her throat?

it includes all the best stuff from "Brea+hplay threesome," "begging me not to noose her," "electro, noose and fuck," and "blowjob, hand throttle and fucking." all the noose action, str@ngling and hand to throat with none of the wait to get to the "good stuff!"

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